
Sacred Music

Music resources for Latin Mass congregations, for the use of choristers and others.

  • Mass Propers:   Gregorian chant scores for the Propers of the Mass (those parts of the Mass which vary from day to day during the Liturgical Year)
  • Mass Ordinaries:  Gregorian chant scores for those parts of the Mass which do not vary from day to day.
  • Traditional Hymns:  A collection of scores,  mostly in Gregorian chant.  (Coming soon).

Score files are freely downloadable, in PDF format.  They are usually the arrangements used by our choir, and are available to others who may find them useful.

Parish Kyriale

In addition to the  Missalettes which are available as printed booklets for use during Mass (and which are available in PDF form), we also now have available during Mass booklets, the Parish Kyriale, containing the Gregorian chant music scores of the Ordinaries of the Mass.  The booklet includes the Ordinaries (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Dei) for the forms of the Mass sung at various times of the year; also included are scores for the Asperges, Vidi Aquam, Mass for the Faithful Departed, and the Angelus.

A freely downloadable PDF version of the booklets is available:

Separate files for the cover page (contains colour images), and the black and white interior pages are available for those readers who may experience difficulties printing the full booklet at once: