News & Announcements

Gaudete Bake Sale (Dec 15)

There will be a Gaudete Bake Sale on Gaudete Sunday, December 15, 2024, downstairs following the noon Mass.

All proceeds will go to help pay for the ceiling acoustic baffles in the downstairs hall.

Baked item can be dropped off before the noon Mass, from 11 am to 12 noon.  Please have baked goods wrapped, priced and ready to sell.

Thank you for your continued support.

Book Sale

There will be a book sale after Mass on Sunday, June 2, 2024 (not May 26, as the June newsletter reported). This will be the last one before a summer break. Book sales will resume in September.

Website changes

A News & Announcements page has been added; there is a link in the top main menu.  Recent news and announcements will also appear in the sidebar. Announcements that will be posted here will include:

  • important website changes
  • notices of events or other items of interest to the Latin Mass community, which either did not make it into the current newsletter, or will occur before the next newsletter appears
  • significant corrections to the newsletter

Note that changes to the Mass schedule will continue to appear in the Current Masses page, and may also appear here.