Latin Mass Links
Link to Our Lady Queen of Peace Website:
Latin Language
Learning Latin is not easy yet not impossible. In addition to being able to better understand the Mass in Latin and all the spiritual benefits that naturally flow from this, learners will gain a better understanding and appreciation of English. Below are three common and well-regarded ‘systems’ for learning Latin. Each has it’s merits, but it is recommended to commit to one system.
A committed learner will find the greatest reward in “A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin” or “Wheelocks”, but the cost for the books and their accompanying materials may be a deterrent to others. In this case, the “Simpllicissimus” guide may be found for free online in PDF format. It offers a concise guide specifically applied to the case of the Latin Mass. For the casual participant of a Latin Mass looking to understand the Mass more, “Simplicissimus” will offer the greatest reward for the least amount of effort.
A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin – John Collins
Wheelock’s Latin 7th Edition – Richard Lafleur
Simplicissimus: Learning the Latin of the Traditional Roman Missal – Latin Mass Society UK
Books, Videos & Furnishings
Tan Books
Baronius Press
Keep the Faith Audio Talks
Learn Latin
Simplicissimus: Learning the Latin of the Traditional Roman Missal – Latin Mass Society UK
Doctrine & Catholic Sources
The Catechism of the Council of Trent
The Catechism of St. Pius X
The Baltimore Catechism
Catechism of the Catholic Church
First Vatican Council
Second Vatican Council
The Vatican Web Page
The Catholic Encyclopedia
Ecclesiastical Documents
Below are Church documents that are relevant in some way to the Traditional Latin Mass. Some reaffirm the Latin Mass as valid; some offer interesting commentaries on the Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo; and some discuss the misapplication of the documents of Vatican II. Just as when a Christian reads the documents of Church fathers they find compelling evidence to be Catholic; when one reads Church documents of the last 500 years, one finds compelling evidence for the primacy of the Latin Mass.
Summorum Pontificum (an unofficial English translation)
Ecclesia Dei
Pope John Paul II’s 1998 Address on the 10th Anniversary of Ecclesia Dei
Quo Primum of Pope St. Pius V
Oath Against Modernism
Cardinal Ratzinger’s 1998 address to the Bishops of Chile
Cardinal Ratzinger’s 1998 address at Ecclesia Dei Anniversary
Letter from Cardinal Mayer to the US Bishops on the 1984 Indult superseded by Ecclesia Dei
Blogs and News
Below are some more tradition-minded blogs and news sources.
Fr. Z’s Blog
Rorate Caeli
New Liturgial Movement
The Remnant Newspaper
Latin Mass Magazine
Gilbert Magazine – G.K. Chesterton
Oriens Journal of the Ecclesia Dei Society of Australia
Short History of the Roman Mass
Printable Altar Cards for 1962 Missal
The Case for the Latin Mass Deitrich von Hildebrand
Chart of when to stand/sit/kneel at Mass
Latin/English Tridentine Mass parallel text
Psalterium Romanum on-line
The Roman Ritual – Pope Paul V
The Theological Attractiveness of the Tridentine Latin Mass Alphons Cardinal Stickler
The Treasures of the Mass
Federation Internation Una Voce
Pro Missa Tridentina (German language)
Jeune Chretiente (French language)
Friends of the Suffering Souls
The American Chesterton Society
Keep the Faith
Latin Mass Society of England and Wales
Latin Mass Society of Ireland
Latin Mass Society, U.K.
Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei
Gregorian Society of Baltimore
The Saint Gregory Society
St. John Fisher Forum
Society for the Preservation of Roman Catholic Heritage
Roman Theological Forum
Religious Orders & Institutes
Fraternity of St. Peter
Institute of Christ the King
Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles
Our Lady of the Annunciation (Benedictines) of Clear Creek
Carmel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Still River, Massachusetts
Fraternity of St. Vincent Ferrer
Sacred Music
Church Music Association of America
St. Antoine Daniel Kyriale
De Musica Sacra — Sacred Congregation of Rites on Sacred Music (1958)
Inter Sollicitudines — Pope Pius X on Sacred Music (1903)
Musicae Sacrae — Pope Pius XII on Sacred Music (1955)
“Music Is an Uncompromising Meritocracy”
An Idiot’s Guide to Square Notes (PDF)
The Chant Kit: Learn Gregorian chant at home
Choral Public Domain Library (free music for download)
Ear Training Software
Gregorian Chant Links
Gregorian Chants for the Vesperal Mass of Maundy Thursday (audio downloads)
Liber Usualis for Download
Liber Usualis for Purchase
Orders dedicated to the Traditional Latin Mass
Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter
Insitute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest
Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest
Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem
Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem
Carmelite Monks of Wyoming
Franciscans of the Immaculate
Transalpine Redemptorists
Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa
Carmelite Sisters of Valparaiso
Carmelite Sisters of Valparaiso
Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest
Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest
Recommended Reading
Spirit of the Liturgy
The Attractiveness of the Tridentine Mass
The Case for the Latin Mass
Latin Mass Organizations
Una Voce
From the Una Voce North America website
Una Voce (from the Preface of the Most Holy Trinity – with one voice) is an international federation of associations, founded in 1966 in Rome, that now includes national associations in 17 nations on every continent. It is dedicated to ensuring that the Roman Mass codified by St. Pius V is maintained as one of the forms of eucharistic worship which are honored in universal liturgical life, and to restoring the use of Latin, Gregorian Chant, and sacred polyphony in Catholic liturgy. The Una Voce International website provides information about officers and national associations:
Una Voce’s mission is to support only the celebration of the Tridentine/Gregorian Rite Mass within the Church, in union with the Holy See and the Bishops united with the Supreme Pontiff of the Church as encouraged through the 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, and the 2011 clarifying document Universae Ecclesiae.
The mission of Una Voce is, and has been since its founding in 1964, the promotion and support of the traditional Latin Mass within the Church, in union with Rome.
Juventutem is a youth organization that has become popular in North American Traditional Latin Mass communities in recent years. Juventutem can be translated as “youth” or “young adult”. Juventutem offers a good structure for young people in traditional communities to organize. Founded in 2006, it is “an independent non political youth structure loyal to Roman Catholic authorities, the Juventutem International Federation drew inspiration from the International Una Voce Federation ( as well as from various other Catholic institutions” Juventutem groups share a modest common rule for members:
- to pray the psalm Judica me or some other prayer each day for the sanctification of youth
- to visit a church and adore Our Lord, once a week (can be before or after Sunday Mass)
- to attend the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) at least once a year
- to go to confession at least once a year
- to participate in at least one Juventutem event per year
See Juventutem International for more information or here or here for examples of current functioning groups.
St. Stephen’s Altar Guild
While most communities have informal altar guilds for Altar servers, those considering a formal structure might consider something similar an organization based in the UK – St Stephen’s Altar Guild Alternatively, there is the Archconfraternity of St Stephen